We transform your auction PDF catalogues into connected catalogues, with every single lot linked to its bidding page.

click a catalogue
Discovery Friendly.
Connected catalogues create quiet, walled gardens for your readers to wander and search through, bookmark, click, review, leave bids & return with ease.
With one click, your prospective bidders move from your beautiful catalogue to wherever you want them to be. All without waiting for pdfs to download, without copying lot numbers into a saleroom search and without the distractions and diversions of the saleroom site.
Every Lot Linked.
When we transform your auction catalogue pdfs into connected catalogues, we also translate the original pdfs into connected pdfs, linking every lot in the pdf.
Every Link Relevant.
Pdf text can be indexed by Google, but your connected pdfs will also have hundreds or thousands of unique links to related information. It’s search engine love.
Every Sale Shared.
When you put connected pdfs on content sharing sites like Slideshare, Facebook or ISSUU you have hundreds of links from highly regarded sites to your auction.
Critical Advice for Auctioneers using Content Sharing and Online Publishing sites – Article.
Consignments come from Credibility.
Auction after auction, your connected catalogue collection grows into a valuable research tool for collectors everywhere, giving them access to previous prices achieved. As your catalogue collection grows, so does your global visibility and specialist reputation. For those wanting to sell, this increases their confidence to consign with you.
Global Visibility.
Hosting connected catalogues on your own site is an easy, fast way to achieve visibility within Search Engine Results. Once set up, we upload your connected catalogue as soon as your sale is live. Hosting on your site is a great way to grow presence within a crowded market.
Lazy SEO.
Every connected catalogue contains hundreds or thousands of unique links and SEO friendly pages for Google to index. It’s great exposure for the auction sales and objects you specialise in, all without doing any SEO work.
Measured Engagement.
It’s easy to link your connected catalogues to your Google Analytics Account. You can measure which pages were read for how long, which were zoomed, printed, shared, which links were clicked; it all builds a better picture of your auction goers activity and interests.
Our Add-ons.
We publicise your auctions and promote your connected catalogues through social media accounts and forums. We also build video emails of highlight lots for you to use in mailings to your current subscribers.
Your Apps.
Have your own brand iOS and Android apps promoting your auction house in the Appstore and Google Play. Connected catalogues for new auctions are automatically added to let users instantly read, bookmark, search, share, print and of course, bid. Your app makes every rich detail across thousands of lots available at the touch of a finger.
Keep in Touch.
Your app has push notification so you can let users know directly that new catalogues, sales, valuation events or roadshows are coming up, or that auctions have closed and unsold items are available, or that consignments for a sale are now being sought. Everything is done from a simple webform, just like sending a text.